The Ack Pack

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Thursday, October 30, 2008

9 Months - Happy Halloween

Tyler is currently the most vocal baby right now. He is starting to say "dadadada" among a few other baby babbling words.

Tyler got his second tooth earlier this week. It is growing in much faster than the first tooth. The first tooth came in a month ago and already the second tooth is almost as big as the first. Thankfully, teething doesn't seem to bother him like it does Whitney (the girls still don't have any teeth). This is what you get when the babies hold their bottles themselves. They are either taking them in and out of their mouths because they can't breathe (due to the colds) or they are just playing. Tyler has recently become so mesmerized by Lacy. He pets her, pulls her dog tags, pulls her ears, chases her (crawling or dragging himself), laughs at her, squeals at her...poor Lacy and she handles it so well.

Tyler is by far my busiest baby. He started getting around by dragging himself last week, now this week he is mastering a true crawl. Now, Tyler has also started pulling up on his knees using this blue toy bucket. He is getting into EVERYTHING! This boy is keeping me busy. He couldn't care less about his toys right now. He just wants to roam and explore. I am using this blue bucket as a temporary barrier to keep him from crawling behind the chair and getting into things he shouldn't be in. Also, notice the blinds are raised...Tyler discovered those too. I've also had to move the magazine racks, close the baby gates, move lamps, raise the curtains, keep dog toys off the floor as well as shoes and anything else he doesn't need. He has an eye for things that he doesn't need... If he isn't supposed to be playing with it, he will find it!

Tyler is getting into the magazines I put under the table on the inside by the sofa and he still managed to find them.

"Let me out!"
Tyler wanted to be Superman for his first Halloween.He is pretending to fly... Actually just getting ready to crawl away - picture-taking was not easy. He is too busy.
Whitney has mastered moving from laying to sitting which is causing a problem with naps. She constantly pulls herself up and then cries and cries because she can't sleep. She is somewhat mobile; she can drag herself around some but usually doesn't have much interest in doing that. She likes to bounce on her bottom while sitting - I think she is going to be my little dancer (hopefully and Hannah too). Whitney is starting to hold her bottle a little, but isn't quite there yet.

Whitney loves to chew on everything - burp clothes, books, toys... everything!
Is that burp cloth good, Whitney?
Whitney was big bird for her first Halloween. Those darn feet will not stay on!
There it goes... Whitney is going to get it.
Let's just take em' off... much easier.
I cannot believe how long she looks here. And there are those darn feet again coming off.
Hannah has her own individual crawl - she likes to throw herself forward until she gets to her destination. Sometimes, although not very often, I will see her drag herself or actually crawl a tiny bit, but it is usually the throwing method she uses to get from point A to point B.
Hannah has become a little less easy-going. She cries more now if someone picks up one of her siblings first out of their beds and not her. Not sure if it is a teething thing or if she is developing the separation anxiety.

Just like Tyler, Hannah makes a mess with her milk. Hannah wanted to be a crab for her first Halloween. She was not digging picture time this afternoon. Can you see the teary eyes? "Seriously Mom! I am not liking this!"Now she is happy...for a moment...Please excuse my toes in this picture. This is the only one I got of her stretched all out without any hands in her face or trying to roll over. See... this is the next shot. This poor, unhappy crab loves to suck her fingers for comfort.

Some group shots...
I thought this was a sweet picture... Hannah had her arm around Whitney but when I snapped the picture, she had moved it. Still sweet though to see them sitting side by side together.

Anyone want to play twister? Or wrestle?

Good thing Hannah doesn't mind you crawling over her, Tyler. Of course, Tyler being so busy, putting Hannah next to him with her antenna things isn't going to work. Let's switch them.Whitney said, "I don't want to sit next to a boy!" And poor Hannah's antenna's are droopy just like her mood. I guess that is why Tyler wanted to 'fix' them.

Poor babies were tired and hungry. Their nap was too short (their choice, not mine) and they hadn't eaten yet.

On that note... they are all doing well with their solids. They have three meals a day and they tolerate most foods I give them fairly well. We are working on sippy cups, but mainly they just chew on the spout.
We have their 9 month check-up next week, so be sure and check back soon because I will give their current weights/lengths/percentiles etc.
Until next time...


Michaela said...

I love all the newsy news. Great post, Amy!

Les and Kimberly said...

I really enjoyed the big update and pictures too! :)
Les was wondering if you all would be at church tonight for the Harvest Festival.

Amy said...

No, we are not going to that this year. We are going to a Halloween Fall Festival and I will be walking with the babies in a parade. Then, we are going to a friend's house for a Halloween/Wii party.

Jill Cornelius said...

Just think... In 3 short months they'll be ONE! Have you started planning the party yet?

Loved all the pics and updates.

amyjclardy said...

Loved the pics and update, they look adorable in their first Halloween costumes!!! :)

Hope things w/you are all okay, looks like you have plenty of things to keep you on your toes, lol.

Amy said...

I haven't started planning it yet... Wanna help??? I have done some thinking about a theme and how big I want it to be, but that is it.