What an eventful month we've had! Where to begin....
We started the month off on a good note with our first Easter egg hunt/party as I previously mentioned in another post.
Just before Easter, we had a rather interesting "65th Birthday Party" for my mother. Not sure if it would actually be considered a birthday party without the birthday girl, but nonetheless, we had pizza and cake and celebrated..... my nephew's one month birthday instead!
As I also mentioned in the previous Easter post, we made it to church for Easter Sunday. The first we've been since Craig's surgery and the first time the babies have been in probably 6 months.
We had a couple of outings to the mall and are making an effort to get out more and be "normal". We were going to let the babies play in the kid's play area at the mall but it was closed for cleaning and didn't have time to wait for them to finish so we left. But we had a good time anyway getting out of the house and strolling around the mall.
Last weekend, we had our first official roadtrip with the babies. We went to East Texas to visit with some of Craig's family. It was a rather exhausting and short trip. The babies are still so small, it just isn't easy trying to travel especially without the help of Craig. We left the house early Saturday morning and headed to Longview. It rained pretty much the whole way there. I changed poopy diapers in the car while we stopped for a potty break because I didn't want to venture out in the rain. The babies cried and screamed almost the entire time and didn't nap a wink except the 15 minutes before we arrived. At some point on the road, I literally crawled all the way to the back of the car, climbing over the middle baby, to fetch the paci's. W & T don't ever use paci's unless they are sleeping in their beds so I didn't feel the need to have them up front with me. So, anyway, once we got there, I unloaded the babies and our stuff in the rain. Then, once I got their seats set up and got the babies fed, we sat down and had a nice lunch and I put the babies down to nap immediately after. They napped almost the entire time we were there which was a bummer since that was the sole reason we went was to allow Craig's relatives love on Jami's (Craig's mom) grandkids. They were just so tired and I knew they needed to nap but they got a little bit of time to hold them etc. before we had to leave. We left there about 4:30 and headed to Gladewater to go visit with Craig's uncle for a very short bit. Craig's uncle lives in a log cabin that Craig helped build and he has been wanting to show it to me for a long time as well as let Ben (Craig's uncle) see all the grandkids. We left there and the babies were fussy and hungry. We went to the local Dairy Queen and they didn't have enough high chairs to accomodate us so we drove on to the next town. That town didn't have any place to eat so we drove on... We passed several more towns before we found a Golden Chick with 2 high chairs so we unloaded the babies and brought in one of our own booster seats. We ate dinner and after that, we went to the car so I could change everybody's diaper and put pajamas on. By this time it was 8pm. We got on the road and Tyler fussed and screamed half the way home - they were awake the whole way home except for 30 minutes prior to arriving home at 10 or 10:30. It was good to meet his family and visit and see his uncle's cabin, I just think my kids were still too young for so much driving in one day.
This week, we took the babies to the gym for the first time and left them in the gym "kid's club". I've never been too comfortable with this but since the babies are getting older, I figured I would give it a shot - besides, I am getting desperate for some "me time". Craig's surgery was 4 weeks ago and my "me time" consists of me occasionally going into my bedroom to get away while Craig hangs out with the babies in the living room with nothing but one wall separating us. This is about the best we can do since he can't really watch them. This way, if something happens, he can just holler and I can come in and put out the fire. So, other than this "me time", I had one hour break Easter Sunday when we put the babies in the nursery and two nights a week when I go to school, which I don't really consider "me time". Anyway... back to the gym. The babies didn't do very well - they cried off and on the entire 30 minutes I exercised. There were probably 20 other kids in there too with only 3 adults so I am sure the babies were very overwhelmed. I wasn't a big fan of the "kid's club" because the baby section was tiny; the section for older kids was huge but the baby section was itty bitty. AND none of their toys worked because they don't keep up with the batteries! What the heck is that about? We probably won't be back until they are walking all the time and are able to play in the big area.
Then yesterday, we had a fun day of playdates at the mall and ER visits. Not the babies... it was Craig. I know.... you are really surprised right? Craig woke up yesterday early in the morning with diarrhea (I know... TMI) and it just progressively got worse. He started vomitting as well. It was getting close to time for me to go meet my friend at the mall and I asked Craig over and over if he wanted me to stay. He said no and told me to go. I think he wanted peace and quiet without 3 loud babies around more than he wanted me to take care of him. I called to check on him while I was gone and he said he was taking himself to the ER but he really wanted me to drive him but I couldn't get here quick enough for him and then what to do with the kids? I left the mall and began making phone calls trying to find somebody who could help me out with the kids. My SIL, Lisa came over and watched them for me so I could get up there and see what the heck was going on. THANK YOU SO MUCH, LISA! You were a life saver! When I got there, Craig told me his heart rate was well into the 200's, he had the chills and was dizzy. They started an IV and drew some blood and ran some tests. His white blood cell count was high so they said he probably had some type of infection but they wanted to do a cat scan just to make sure it wasn't something else. They checked abdomen, intestines and appendix. His intestines were inflamed but everything else looked good. They diagnosed him with a severe GI infection, gave him some meds and sent him home. He is feeling a little better but still not feeling very well at all.
We had a doctor's appointment this morning we had to cancel and we have some friends coming over tonight and we were going to BBQ on our new grill but we will probably have to cancel that too. We were also planning to go to church with his family for baby day this Sunday because whoever has the most visitors will be crowned baby king and baby queen and will get a pizza party afterwards. Plus, one of the church members is a photographer and is taking pictures of all the babies and we get a free group pic and one individual copy as a gift for mother's day. We were looking forward to all this but we may not be able to make it to that either.
I'll let you know how the rest of our weekend and month goes and I will do a post with more baby updates and pictures soon.
Happy April everybody!
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