Okay, so this blog has taken a major back seat in my life because I have been so busy with school and kiddos. Heck, I may not even have readers anymore... Anyway, school is coming to an end and it has been busier than ever this past week or two. Yesterday as I was leaving for school, very stressed, rushed and frazzled. I had an accident in my neighborhood, with nobody else than my neighbor across the street from me.
The streets are too narrow in this neighborhood so when cars park on the street, it is very hard to squeeze between the cars. I was heading out and a truck was coming in. There were two cars parked on both sides of the street, but not directly across from each other. They were just slightly diagonal from each other on the street. Well, me and the truck coming at me had the same thought that we'd both keep driving instead of stopping and letting the other car pass first. We thought we'd just maneuver around each other and the two parked cars.
Well, it didn't go so well. We clipped each other's mirrors. He was in a Ford F250 and his mirror wasn't damaged at all. Mine, however, was demolished. Thankfully that was the extent of the accident and thankfully we both handled ourselves well and didn't start pointing fingers as to whose fault it was because it could have become a very awkward situation if the conversation got heated especially considering we are neighbors. Because it wasn't until the end of the conversation and insurance swapping of information, that we figured out we live directly across from each other.
After realizing we are neighbors, I introduced myself and he did as well. Then, his exact words were, "It's a good thing we didn't get nasty with each other." I hope none of you ever have to meet your neighbors the way I did.
I will post some updates soon of halloween and updates on the kiddos.
I found your website - I have a question!
5 years ago