All is going well with the babies. Their heartbeats and the fluid all look great! We watched for a little while as they kicked, pushed and hit each other. Baby C (girl) was very feisty today, doing most of the kicking. She is stretched out on my left side closest to the top (the penthouse as Koster calls it), baby B is stretched out on my right side and baby A is taking over the bottom. I think he is holding down the fort down there to be sure and come out first. :)
My cervix looks great. When Koster performed the internal cervical check, we had a nice surprise...we noticed something different...I guess our boy wanted to say hi again. We first noticed his head, then we saw his hand. It was like he was waving at us. :) It was so cute to see him through the cervical check. We weren't expecting that because we haven't seen any of them internally in a long time.
Sorry I don't have any pictures of the babies this appointment since it was technically just a cervical check. I'll have more in a few weeks if not sooner. I do, however, have my belly shot!
Sounds like you and the babies are doing great Amy! Your belly looks beautiful:)
Yeah!!! 20 weeks! You're doing great and look fantastic! Keep on pressing on!
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