The Ack Pack

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Thursday, November 29, 2007

25 week update & the final decision on the names!

Wednesday we had a follow-up appointment with Dr. Koster and everything went great. My cervix is doing great at 4.0 cm! The babies look wonderful and are all measuring about a week ahead. They all have excellent fluid around them, great heart rates and all their measurements are right on track. I was so anxious to have their measurements done again because I knew they must have been in the middle of a big growth spurt based on the amount of growing I had done in the past week.

Baby A (boy) - HR 144 BPM, weight 1 pound 13 ounces
Baby B (girl) - HR 165 BPM, weight 1 pound 12 ounces
Baby C (girl) - HR 141 BPM, weight 1 pound 14 ounces

I can't believe they all weigh almost 2 pounds! I have almost 6 pounds of baby in me! It's crazy how rapidly they are all growing. I have sono pictures, but I can't scan them right now because of the bedrest restrictions. Either Craig will do it later, or we will set up the scanner in the living room with the laptop so I can do it. I will try to get them on here soon.

We got a little clarification regarding the bedrest and I am so glad we asked because Koster's response encouraged me tremendously. We asked if I could get out of the house any for Christmas or church and she said it was fine to go to someone's house as long as I stay off my feet. Also, she said church would be okay because we have the wheel chair. I still can't do anything around the house or anywhere for that matter, but I am so excited to hear that I can leave my house from time to time. Especially with Christmas being near, I don't want to be cooped up here during this time. Of course, all of this is subject to change if my contractions come back stronger or my cervix shortens, I could wind up in the hospital again.

On a different note... we made the final decision on the names of the babies. I will let the pictures speak for themselves.

Their first and middle names are:

Tyler Craig
Hannah Michelle
Whitney Nicole

We are so excited to have their names picked out and the nursery finally complete.


Jeannie said...

I have a tyler! (tyler john) Love your names of the girls too!

Lisa L said...

Love the names!! I'm glad things worked out for you to have bed rest at home and not in the hospital. I'm sending a little surprise to you with Mom. It's not much but will help the time to pass and give you something to look forward to.

Love ya,