Baby A (boy) - HR 144 BPM, weight 1 pound 13 ounces
Baby B (girl) - HR 165 BPM, weight 1 pound 12 ounces
Baby C (girl) - HR 141 BPM, weight 1 pound 14 ounces
I can't believe they all weigh almost 2 pounds! I have almost 6 pounds of baby in me! It's crazy how rapidly they are all growing. I have sono pictures, but I can't scan them right now because of the bedrest restrictions. Either Craig will do it later, or we will set up the scanner in the living room with the laptop so I can do it. I will try to get them on here soon.
We got a little clarification regarding the bedrest and I am so glad we asked because Koster's response encouraged me tremendously. We asked if I could get out of the house any for Christmas or church and she said it was fine to go to someone's house as long as I stay off my feet. Also, she said church would be okay because we have the wheel chair. I still can't do anything around the house or anywhere for that matter, but I am so excited to hear that I can leave my house from time to time. Especially with Christmas being near, I don't want to be cooped up here during this time. Of course, all of this is subject to change if my contractions come back stronger or my cervix shortens, I could wind up in the hospital again.
On a different note... we made the final decision on the names of the babies. I will let the pictures speak for themselves.
Their first and middle names are:
Tyler Craig
Hannah Michelle
Whitney Nicole
We are so excited to have their names picked out and the nursery finally complete.
I have a tyler! (tyler john) Love your names of the girls too!
Love the names!! I'm glad things worked out for you to have bed rest at home and not in the hospital. I'm sending a little surprise to you with Mom. It's not much but will help the time to pass and give you something to look forward to.
Love ya,
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