I had a couple of visitors Tuesday: my SIL, Jill and my niece and nephew, Haidyn and Caleb. I also got a visit from someone at my in laws church. It makes us feel so special that they take the time to come by and visit me. This was the second person to visit me from their church. I also went down to visit my friend Jessica in her room. She is also having triplets (two girls and a boy) and is about 2 1/2 weeks ahead of me. It was nice to be able to go down there and visit for about an hour or so.
I got one of those trapeze things to go over my bed and it has been so wonderful to have! It makes it so much easier to get out of bed. The nurses keep teasing me telling me they better not come in here and find me hanging from it!
I decided to take on the challenge of learning to knit today (Wednesday). It really wasn't too difficult. I knit my first of three hats for the babies. I am proud of it! :)
Wednesday, I went to my first relaxation therapy session. This is offered to the ladies here to help make their stay more enjoyable and relaxing. It lasts about 20 minutes. They have you lay on the bed with a heated massage pad, they put a heat pack behind your neck, have aromatherapy and play relaxing music and nature sounds.
Marcy came by to visit and she brought us some yummy soup and corn bread. It was so good! And the perfect weather for it. Thank you so much for the dinner and the "mommy goodies" and magazines.
I better get to bed. I get to start my 3 hour glucose blood draws at 6 a.m. I also have my weekly appointment with Dr. Koster. It will be a busy morning. I am looking forward to it and am anxiously waiting the results of both. I will keep you updated.
What a crafty person you are! What a nice little treatment you get to relax you...that's neat! Sounds like a busy morning you've got ahead of yourself. And that's neat that your friend is having triplets too. You'll have lots of stories to share in the future and playdates too!
Hope the appointment is note-worthy this morning! Keep us updated. Whoohoo on 27 weeks!
You seem to be holding up well. I just found your blog. I am 10 weeks with triplets. I am trying to find some online encouragement. If you are ever bored, please email me ginny@c64.us I have a blog too....if you want to read and be glad you are farther along than me! It is www.rajandginny.com I hope to hear from you one day.
Ginny (from Atlanta)
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