The Ack Pack

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Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Betty Crocker gets to work

This weekend I started making my own baby food. It was a rather timely project, but well worth it and actually fun! Anybody that knows me knows I don't like cooking much but I actually enjoyed making my own baby food for my kiddos. It is so much healthier and so much cheaper!! I made just about everything you can think of...acorn squash, yellow summer squash, spaghetti squash, carrots, sweet potatoes, cauliflower, broccoli, pears, bananas, green beans, peas and zucchini. They haven't had all of these food yet, but I figured if they either didn't like them or have an allergy to them, I will just cook them in something I make for me and Craig. I have Jessica Seinfeld's cookbook "Deceptively Delicious". I may just get on a health kick and start steaming more veggies etc. for me and Craig as well. I definitely found myself snacking some while making their food.


Todd, Jenn, Sam, Ali, Max and Herculez said...

I have that cookbook too. My favorite book for her is the superfoods for babies and kids. It is great. I am glad you jumped on the band wagon. it is so easy to do. I ust get those little microwave steam bags and it is even easier, plus you don't lose all the good stuff in the water.

Sarah said...

Wow - I'm impressed... My husband thinks I need to do that... but I dunno :) Depends on if I ever find the time :)