The Ack Pack

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Sunday, October 19, 2008

3 colds + 1 ear infection + 1 bronchial infection + 3 teething babies = NO FUN

You guessed it, the babies are sick again. I guess it is good that they have only been sick twice now in their 8 months of life. It started probably about a week ago with Tyler, then Whitney, now Hannah. I took them to the doctor on Saturday and they all have just a common cold except Whitney also has bronchialitis and Tyler has an ear infection. I got a prescription for Tyler's ear infection and Whitney's bronchialitis and she has to do breathing treatments three times a day but does surprisingly well, which is great. Here is a picture of me giving her her breathing treatment. Poor baby!
The babies are extra fussy because they are teething as well. Needless to say, the last few days have been very rough for us. Nobody is getting much sleep at night. I thank God for my friends, family members and especially Craig's parents for helping me so much while Craig is away. I have held my own pretty well since he left, but now that they are all sick, I don't know what I would do without a little help.


Les and Kimberly said...

Oh gosh, I hope that they get better quick! I don't know if I have a cold or allergies, so I can't help - sorry! I am definitely hoping it is just allergies.

Jami Ackerman said...

We thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity to spend some extra time with you and the babies. I'm praying they will all sleep well for you tonight.