The Ack Pack

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Saturday, March 28, 2009

March stuff

Tyler continues to stuff his mouth so full, he cannot eat it!
Having a little fun by himself on the blanket the day of the bar-b-que.
Tyler has really started to take off in the walking department this week. He has started taking 4 and 5 steps at a time and is cruising all over the place. He also got another tooth this week - #7!
Whitney is my girly girl and likes to play dress-up. She likes using these teething rings as bracelets.
I fixed Hannah's hair curly the other day. You'd never know it because I usually don't take the time to fix it (bad mom :)) but Hannah actually has curly hair. Here is a back view.
Front view but the pics don't do it justice.
Craig - post surgery. Hanging out in his recliner 24/7.

Hannah is playing dress-up - wearing my purse. And she even matches!Whitney played dress-up with my necklace and shoes after church one Sunday and she loved it. She did not want to take the necklace off!

Just before our "I-got-to-get-out-of-the-house" walk. A couple of weeks ago, the babies were going through a very fussy spell. Craig had been working 6 days a week for several weeks and I was going insane so we decided to go for a walk one Saturday despite the cold temperatures!
We ventured to the park one day after Craig got home from work. Whitney going down the slide with mommy.
Tyler's turn down the slide.
Hannah's turn
More swinging pictures - Whitney
Hannah being silly.
My baby doesn't look like a baby here. He looks so grown up to me in his polo shirt and plaid shorts.

Hannah had her hair put up in her first pony tail. One of my girls is FINALLY growing hair!

This is what it looks like after taking the pony tail holder out.
Daddy and Whitney goofing around.
My two handsome men
My silly boy
Sweet Hannah inspecting my mouth.
Daddy and Hannah
What is up with that hair man???
My sweet sweet Whitney giving Mommy big hugs.
Three's A Crowd!


Todd, Jenn, Sam, Ali, Max and Herculez said...

Looks like mom enjoys playing beauty shop. Poor Hannah:))

Marcy said...

Great shots! Love the one of them bundled up in the stroller!

candicebishop said...

Its so fun to see their different personalities, abilities, likes/dislikes, etc. They are such precious kids. And YOU look GREAT, by the way. Who would guess that you were pregnant with triplets just over a year ago. Hope Craig is healing well from his surgery!

Michaela said...

I love all the pictures, Amy! Thanks for sharing them.