The Ack Pack

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Friday, September 4, 2009

August stuff

This blog post is giving me fits when trying to move text and pictures around so it will be a little out of order. These are just a few random pictures from around our house in August.

The kids are so into eating with utensils. Whitney was determined to eat her banana with her fork.
Playing in Daddy's work boots one day.

Whitney wasn't so thrilled about the idea.

Tyler didn't know what to think...

August was a pretty uneventful month... We spent most of the month working our tails off with Craig working 6 days a week during the entire month of August and me just taking care of babies!
We went to my nephew, Caleb's second birthday party and also had a few friends over one weekend.
Then, I started school the following Monday. School is going well; I am still just trying to adjust to the new load... all the homework and projects. A little work here and there, Craig was able to finish organizing our garage. It has been a very long process, but it is over! He has worked so hard installing different organizing equipment to make all of our junk fit.
We went to my nephew, Caleb's second birthday party and also had a few friends over one weekend for a sausage BBQ. Mmmm good!
I finished off the month hosting a girls night with my book club gals. I haven't had time to read the books the past few months but I still enjoy the time to visit and chat with the girls.

More random pictures... lined up at the door.

What is so interesting out there?

Oh and one more thing about Craig and his working... Some of you already know this but for those that do not, he has been offered a management position by an executive on a very prestigious team with AT&T. The opportunity pretty much fell into his lap when he got picked to work with several executives who flew in from all over the country to work on this big mess at an apartment complex in Allen. They were all so impressed by Craig, they bragged to their boss and she then offered Craig an immediate position on her crew. This position would be much different from what he is currently doing - he would be able to work from home some, work more normal hours and there would also be some travel, but very little. We couldn't be more excited but there have been many hangups with company protocol. There are many levels of management that he has to work through on his current end (where he works now) to move forward in the process. These different managers haven't been super eager or motivated to get Craig the appropriate codes and things he needs to move forward. This promotion could be a very good thing for Craig and our family. So, for all you prayer warriors out there that read my blog, please keep Craig and this situation in your prayers. Thank you!!! I will keep you posted...
Stay tuned for several more blog posts.

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