The Ack Pack

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Tuesday, February 1, 2011

My Three Are Three!

We wanted to have a birthday party outside or at least outside of our home, this year. Everything I researched was too expensive and also we felt they were too young for the things I looked into. I had been thinking for a while, of having a birthday party, with just the 5 of us and that was what we decided to do in the end. We took the kids to the Nature and Science Museum in Fair Park. We had a great time going thru two museums, lunch, paddle boating in the swans on the Fair grounds and enjoying some time outside. The weather was perfect - sunny skies and a high of 71 degrees. I could've had an outdoor party after all.... (Now only three days later we are having record breaking lows, with highs in the 20's -- that is almost unheard of for Texas).

We all have our triplet gear on.
The kids push a button and a flame heats up this hot air balloon and raises the balloon.
A little time on the fire truck with fireman helmets and jackets (mine wouldn't wear the jackets).

The construction worker station...

Performing arts with dressing room and stage.

Making music
Several other things in between..... This was a water station.
We rode the ponies.
And the tractors...

We milked the cow, gathered eggs from the chickens and vegetables from the garden.
This was a pretty cool telescope that you look thru and you can look all the way around the outside of the museum.
Some time outside...

We went to lunch and came back to another museum. Whitney wanted nothing to do with standing so close to this bear, with her back turned away from it. lol
The kids first experience with a water fountain. (Yes, it really is their first experience with a water fountain.)


The Texas Star at the Texas State Fair in Dallas
The paddle boat swans.
The Cotton Bowl
After our day at the museum, we ran a few errands, had dinner and took baths before bed. Hannah and Tyler both decided to add to the firsts for the day, by having a little poopy accident in the bathtub. Of course it was after they had been bathed and were about to get out. I gave FIVE baths that night!

The next morning we went to church and then went over to Mamaw and Papaw's house for lunch and the kids opened their birthday presents.

They got some fun floor puzzles.

Papaw and Tyler showing their badges.

Whitney loves her girly dresses and accessories.
Tyler's full costume. haha!
Monday was their actual birthday. We started the day off with a well visit at the pediatrician. All went well. Here are their stats.

Weight: 36.6 pounds (89%)
Height: 3' 2 1/4" tall (62%)

Weight: 29.4 pounds (35%)
Height: 3' 1 1/2" tall (53%)

Weight: 26.8 pounds (11%)
Height: 3' 1/4" tall (23%)

After their appointment, we stopped by the church to get them registered for MDO next Fall and then just came home for a regular day at home. Daddy went to work, but when he got home, we had dinner together, birthday cake and opened presents. It was a wonderful, stress-free celebratory weekend!!

Singing Happy Birthday! Tyler blew out the candle - the girls didn't help. lol
They got this t-ball thing...
Tyler did a good job with his "I'm three" fingers.

Whitney did a pretty good job. This is about how well I do it with my right hand. lol

This girl can't open her presents fast enough.
Every time she sees the camera, she says "cheese" which is what she is saying here.
Attempting to get Hannah to hold 3 fingers up.
Taking time to hug and thank each other for their presents.
They all loved their big kids blankets for their big kid beds.


Jami Ackerman said...

Loved your post. Thought it was cute that Whitney was still wearing the shoes and earrings and carrying the microphone. :)

Christi said...

It looks like you guys had a lot of fun. I'm glad they had such a Happy Birthday!

Michaela said...

Great pictures and post. I even giggled a few times.

Marcy said...

I love the have a small, medium and a large! So cute! Glad the boy is the large one:)