Friday after Craig got off work, we took the babies to the family festivities in McKinney. It was quite an eventful afternoon to say the least. We got there, unloaded everybody and all of their necessities. Got a million stares, pointing fingers and comments. Found something to eat. Got a million stares, pointing fingers and comments. Found a place to sit. Got a million stares, pointing fingers and comments. Got sat down and started eating our sandwiches. Then the band who was playing at the time announced that the storm headed toward us would be here in a short amount of time and we needed to take shelter. He said it was going to be a short-lived storm so we decided to scarf down our food and head for the car. So, we did and headed for the car. Got a million stares, pointing fingers and comments. Loaded everybody and their necessities back up in the car and waited for the storm to pass. The storm was moving very slowly so we hung out in the car for a while waiting for it to give us a down pour. We fed the babies in the car and finally decided it wasn't going to rain. The storm had shifted a little and just missed us I guess, so we decided to get back out and try it again. I thought to myself, "as soon as we get out of the car, it is going to rain." Sure enough... we got everybody and all of their necessities unloaded and it started to sprinkle. So back in the car we went. We loaded everybody and their necessities. We sat in the car for a while longer, then Craig and I hung out outside the car because the babies were starting to get fussy...well...actually, they were screaming and we didn't want to listen to them. Finally, it stopped sprinkling (that is all it ever did, all that trouble and it never rained) so we decided to unload everybody and their necessities. As we were doing that, Tyler started choking and foaming at the mouth and nose! Craig had the carseat turned upside down with him in it trying to open his airway while I tried to rip him out of the carseat! Poor boy had gotten so upset! We got him suctioned and calmed down and headed back down to get a spot to sit and listen to music and wait for the fireworks. Got a million stares, pointing fingers and comments. We decided we wanted to get some water and something else to eat. We stand in line for a good while. Got a million stares, pointing fingers and comments. Finally get to the front of the line....guess what, NO WATER LEFT! We're dying of thirst here people! And we are not standing in another line! So, we head off to find a place to sit. Got a million stares, pointing fingers and comments. We no more than sat down for 2 minutes and somebody headed toward us. "You did not carry those babies?" I said no I didn't... She said " I didn't think so because you couldn't have and look like that." I said well actually I did. She said "How did you lose the weight?" She goes on and on with the questions. Then she asked me if she could hold one. "Uh... no..." She was understanding about it and not offended. Then she heads back over to her table and a little while later I watched her light up a cigarette. "Are you kidding me?" A smoking stranger asked to hold my baby??? So, anyway, we were sitting there listening to music and Craig had the idea that we leave just before the fireworks start and go watch them in our church parking lot which was very close to where we were. This way we could beat the crowd and if the babies freaked out by the noise, we would be at a distance and could put them in the car. Made sense, but I thought to myself, "If we do that, as soon as we head out, the fireworks will start." So we head back to the car. Got a million stares, pointing fingers and comments. Got to the car and loaded everybody and their necessities. Head out and sure enough, the fireworks started. Of course! So, Craig pulled off on the side of the road so we could watch them standing outside of the car with the kids screaming inside. Just not how I had imagined it! See, the kids didn't nap well while we were out because they were too busy checking out their new surroundings. After the fireworks were over we headed home and got the screaming kids inside, made bottles and fed them real quick and put their little tired butts to bed.
So, there you have it...
A gazillion stares, pointing fingers and comments. We loaded and unloaded 4 times and would you like to know what all we loaded and unloaded a few times too many?
-3 babies
-3 carseats
-2 strollers
-2 baby bjorn carriers
-1 diaper bag with tons of stuff in it
-2 fold up chairs
-1 camera
-1 blanket
-2 tired parents
I found your website - I have a question!
5 years ago
Ahhhh....Making memories!! smile
holidays will never be the same again. good for you guys for sticking it out. memories you will not soo forget:)
Oh my word! If Princeton does fireworks again next year, you are invited to our house. The fireworks were basically in our back yard. This was the first year they did it. We were not sure how well we would be able to see them. Sure enough, we had a "front row seat" in the comfort of our back yard.
Yeah, Craig told me Kyle said something about y'all watching them in your backyard. I swear, it takes an act of congress for us to be able to do something fun and it be successful!!!!
We also went to McKinney and it was a nightmare getting out of there...Craig is ver smart for trying to get out of there before the rush.
Whew! I am glad you are trying to get out! Hope you all got some good sleep that night!
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