The Ack Pack

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Sunday, July 13, 2008

Swimming with bumbos!

So, I had this idea to try sitting the babies up in their bumbos in a swimming pool. So, we went to Target and bought one of those plastic pools for 7 bucks. And before you worry warts email me to tell me how unsafe it is, know that I had Craig here with me so we had an extra set of hands and eyes on the babies the entire time. I would never try to do this by myself.

Anyway, they REALLY enjoyed this! Their weight pretty much made the bumbos sit flat on the bottom of the pool. I think next time I will put a little less water and it will probably work better. I couldn't really get them to look up at me much because they were so busy checking out the pool/water/bumbos combination. After spending time sitting in their bumbos, we took them out one by one to let them kick their legs and splash the water. It was so much fun!

Lacy thinks this is her new water bowl!

Drying off!


Ame... said...

I think that is great idea! I love the summer time and being able to let the kiddos play in the water!

Todd, Jenn, Sam, Ali, Max and Herculez said...

I can't believe how long they are looking!! All the pics are just way too cute. They grow up so fast. We put Sam in her bebe pod the other day at my friends house and set it on the top step of the pool. They have a really big step and she really liked it. I keep telling Todd we need a pool and he says he will get me one from walmart:)

Amy said...

Thanks you guys for the positive reinforcement! I'm glad to hear that somebody has done it before also. Gotta get creative! Especially with three!

Jill Cornelius said...

I was just telling Kev we needed to at least get one of these little pools. SOMETHING for these hot days! He's shocked when I tell him that most days we don't even go outside. It's just to HOT!

They look cute as ever!

Les and Kimberly said...

Oh my gosh that is such a great idea and what a fun way to beat the heat too!!!! I love the idea and you can't beat the price for that pool!! :)

Amy said...

Tyler is in the blue bumbo, Hannah is in the green and Whitney is in the purple.

Jami Ackerman said...

What a great idea!!! I love the video clips!!

Lisa L said...

So fun...loved the video...Jill, we don't go outside much either because of the heat...we need to get a kiddy pool too...our old one wore out.

d- said...

Hey, So excited this bright and early morning...I got to see all the pics this won't work but...boy they look so happy, healthy, BIG...and you sis look simply happy and gorgeous! d-

amyjclardy said...

What cute pics and videos!!! What a creative idea. Hope you guys are doing good.

Angela said...

That is a great idea. I think I might have to steal that one from you next summer. I wish they had bumbo seats when Blake and Ethan were little. I think they came out after Chase was born.

Our dogs get in the little pool with the is hilarious!!