Three's a crowd in this ice bucket! I think this will be my 7 month picture prop.
My big girl standing so strong! (Whitney)
Tyler learned how to roll over from back to front. Whitney is learning to spit like Hannah! Yay! Hannah and Whitney are now squealing an octave or two higher and Lacy is less than thrilled! Ha! Tyler is sitting up better - he is getting so close to being able to sit independently. They like to reach for Lacy and are becoming much more aware of her and each other. Tyler often laughs at his sisters. They are reaching more and more at anything within reach (bottles, books, our glasses, plates etc.)
Hannah and Lacy are bonding...awww...
Solids are going well. The babies have now had green beans, rice cereal, oatmeal cereal. I've been doing my research and reading up on making their baby food! This video was taken the first time they tried green beans a few weeks ago. Their facial expressions are priceless!
Yummy green beans
They have started sleeping less at night and napping less during the day. Now they wake up around 5:30 or 6 am. Luckily, they can entertain themselves in their cribs for a while and aren't interested in eating first thing after waking up. They have practically dropped their last nap of the day. Sometimes they need a 30 minute catnap before the last feeding of the day, but sometimes not. Needless to say my "down time" has decreased even more.
Until next time...