The Ack Pack

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Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Hannah - 6 months

Two new posts below...

Hannah is developing such a funny personality. She is so squirmy and wiggly and happy. She can now roll both directions. It won't be long and she will be rolling and crawling everywhere. Hannah weighs 12 lbs. 10.2 oz. and is 25 1/4 inches long.

And if you are wondering what happened with Hannah's six month pictures and why she is in overalls in the group pics but not in the individuals, it is because somehow I lost her pictures when I copied them to the disk. I deleted them off the camera before I realized it. I was one tired Mama after all the pictures and blogging updates, I didn't feel like changing her clothes again.

That looks uncomfortable but Hannah doesn't like to sit back in her carseat, so she falls asleep like this.

Hannah's latest sleeping position. So funny!
Yes, she is just as silly as she seems. She loves to hang upside down over the boppy.
Lots of sleeping shots... Here she is sleeping in Daddy's lap in the middle of a feeding.

Hannah's turban! Ha!

Loves to sit up!


Michaela said...

Does Hannah blow raspberries often? That's hilarious!

Amy said...

She does it pretty regularly, but not as much as she used to now that I have stopped encouraging it!

d- said...

Blowing raspberries....I can't see the video, but it is funny just to imagine. I especially like the pic where you are holding Hannah up and see is half way on your head. So cute, funny and you just look so happy...Do people ahve a hard time telling Hannah and Whitney apart. They just look alot alike to me....Now Tyler, I have him pegged! Happy b-day again, did you get Joey's b-day song?

Amy said...

She is using her lips to blow spit bubbles. It's pretty funny!

A lot of people can't tell them apart.

I did get your message, thank you!

Lisa L said...

I just enjoyed looking at all three 6 mo. updates, pictures and videos. They are all so cute and have such individual personalities. Hannah's rasberries cracked me up. Thanks for spending all the time to put these up for our viewing pleasure. :)

Jami Ackerman said...

Such precious pictures !!! I looked at each one's post and loved them all. Dad and I laughed out loud at Hannah's raspberries.

Jill Cornelius said...

Cute as ever... It seems like they do more and more every time I read updates.

Amy said...

Jill, don't know why your reply didn't come through. I got it... And yes, every time I turn around they are doing something new. I can tell you one new thing they are NOT doing....napping!!!! Hannah hasn't napped more than an hour or so for the past two days!

Amy said...

Got your message, Jill... I don't know why it didn't go through... I can tell you one thing they are NOT doing.... NAPPING!!! For the past 2 days Hannah hasn't napped more than 1 1/2 hours throughout the day. They are wearing me out!! TGIF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Keith and Jessica said...

All of those cute baby noises sound really familiar!

debi9kids said...

Great update! It's been so long since I have been over here to peek at your kiddies (lots & lots of bad things going on...) Anyway, I can't believe they are 6 months already! WOW!!!!

Casey's trio said...

Oh my gosh girl, the babies are getting so big! The next few months are fun...take full advantage of the non-mobile stage while it lasts:)