We worked our little booties off, over a one week period, getting this house ready to sell and boy, did we do something right! We had a contract on the house literally 3 or 4 hours later!
Craig has been wanting to get lasik for quite some time and finally decided to bite the bullet and get it done before heading back to work. He is now on cloud nine! Also, Craig will be returning back to work Friday of this week.
For a couple of weeks after the surgery, Craig has to wear these plastic eye pieces that are attached with this sticky tape. He didn't want to use those, so he went to try and find a more comfortable alternative. This is the alternative...
We had a family Father's Day/June birthday celebration, celebrating Craig, Kyle (Craig's brother), Byron (Craig's BIL), and Steve (Craig's dad) for being the wonderful fathers they are. We also celebrated Kyle, Steve and Victoria's (the oldest cousin) birthdays. It was great fun visiting, having lunch, opening presents and cards and watching Michaela (SIL) practice her cosmetology skills on Lisa (SIL) all while sipping on iced coffee with the girls. :) :)
I had a fun play day with one of my oldest friends, Christi and her little girl, Elizabeth. The kids had fun having lunch together, playing with toys together and playing outside in the pool and on the slide. Elizabeth said she liked Tyler! Maybe a crush??? :) :) It was a great day and Christi and I had a great time visiting and catching up.
Whitney, Hannah, Elizabeth and Tyler
Whitney and Hannah were getting tired and whiny so they went inside with Craig and went down for a nap. Tyler and Elizabeth sitting together at the table. Isn't that cute? Tyler is going for older women!
Craig and I celebrated our 4 year anniversary - an extended version. We spent time together just the two of us in Fort Worth and ate at Texas de Brazil for dinner! We caught a movie, strolled through Sundance Square and went to a museum as well. Fort Worth is such a nice city - they have so much going on downtown. Lots of great places to eat, tons of museums, and I was quite surprised by how "alive" the city was even on a week night.
Since we had so much stuff going on with trying to find a house, we didn't have much of a Father's day for Craig. We did get up that morning and the kids painted their first picture for their Daddy. They also colored their first picture for him too. The finger paints was a rather messy project and they weren't quite ready for it but it was still fun (for me).
Then I let him open his cards and they all wore their "my daddy is my hero" stickers as well as Craig got to wear his "best dad ever" sticker.
A few miscellaneous pictures from the month of June....
Whitney was so tired, she fell asleep on her back, which is so rare.
Daddy with his girls. Isn't Whitney hilarious? I guess she is imitating her Mommy - wearing the sunglasses, with my phone and the remote to the ceiling fan in her hand. Sixteen months going on sixteen!
Daddy and Tyler being silly putting on pajamas before bedtime.
Hannah just hangin' out on the towel right after a bath.
And she's off...
I love these two of Whitney and Craig. So silly...
So serious...