I still look about the same I guess, but I feel bigger. I feel bigger even since this picture was taken on Friday. I am still fitting into most of my clothes, although not comfortably, so I guess I haven't expanded too much. I wonder if my feeling bigger is because the babies are growing so rapidly or because I am eating SO much food ALL the time. That is really going to be an adjustment for me. I am not a big eater, but I have to be now. I need to be consuming something like 900 extra calories a day (300 for each baby) for a total of around 3100 calories. Man are these babies demanding! And the water I must consume daily... something like a gallon a day. Okay, for those of you who don't know me personally, you should know that drinking 1 8-ounce glass of water a day, for me, is a challenge, much less 16! Now you know what I do more than anything... :)
This weekend was a tough one which is why it has taken me longer than normal to update my blog. Saturday, I helped my brother and sister in law move. Okay, before you start lecturing me on doing too much, know that I truly did not over do it. I mainly just helped my SIL finish packing boxes. I only lifted a few boxes and they weren't very heavy. My SIL is pregnant too and due next month and they have two little ones, so they could definitely use the help. Sunday, I was a little sore from the physical activity but not too bad. I felt so old waking up sore... I normally feel very strong and fit, but these babies have changed that quick! I went to church like I normally do and felt bad all morning and all afternoon.... Just incredibly tired, weak and shaky. The weakness and shakiness was probably from not eating enough. Its not that I have a mental problem eating the amount I need, but so many things don't taste good or sound good to me right now. It is hard to find things that suit me. So, when Craig got home from work (poor thing having to work yet another Sunday), I sent him to the store to stock up on snacks. And OMG, did he get snacks! He came home with tons and tons of snacks. I can't possibly go hungry now...yet I am still hungry 24/7 literally! I wake up almost every night at 3 a.m. starving. Craig is going to put our little refrigerator in our bedroom because he knows I will be more likely to eat in the middle of the night if it is convenient. Isn't that hilarious? We are going to have a refrigerator in our bedroom!! :) He is such a good hubby. He is taking good care of me and the babies.
Well, that is about it for now. I will have another sono to show you all Thursday after our doctor appointment. Yay! Thank you again for all your support and prayers! They are MUCH appreciated.
I highly doubt that people will get tired of seeing the belly pics! So you must not be feeling any morning sickness, I hope? I was lucky enough to escape that part of pregnancy and hope you do too! Drinking enough water was really hard for me also and once you have to go to the bathroom every 10 minutes, it's even more enjoyable to drink gallons a day! All the discomfort is well worth it in the end though!
Keep up the snacking...wonder if any cravings will start soon? It was all about the donuts and egg mcmuffins once I was in my 2nd trimester:)
Hi there! first time posting here on your blog! Just wanted to say keep up the good work!! I too had alot of shakiness and weak feelings during both of my pregnancies, with the triplets it was just assumed that it was b/c I was having triplets...But when it happened again with the twins, I knew something was up. Instead of having gestational diabetes, I had the exact opposite. I was HYPOglycemic. My body was blowing thru sugars like crazy!! Leaving me feeling terribly dizzy, shaky, and sometimes very nauseous!! It helped to eat small frequent meals!!
Good luck, I'm looking forward to your upcoming posts! www.jbrooke7.typepad.com
How sweet. . My hubby got me a small frigde for our room early on too. It was a lifesaver during bed rest. After the babies were born, we used it in their nursery.
Keep eating and keep drinking your water!
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