The Ack Pack

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Wednesday, January 16, 2008

UPDATED - 32 weeks - HUGE milestone

This past week, I have noticed an extreme amount of growth. My belly is noticeably bigger and the babies kicks are much stronger. I know many of you have said I don't look that big for triplets, which I agree with you...until now. My belly is so big, I have outgrown almost all of my maternity clothes. It is so heavy, every time I switch from one side to the other, it is a workout. I think the profile pictures that we normally take on a weekly basis doesn't give an accurate idea of how big I am because all the babies hang out far on my sides, sometimes they are all on one side believe it or not. So, we decided to take a few pictures from the frontal view to give you a more accurate idea of my size.

We just got back from my doctor appointment and all looks good with them. At this point, baby C (Whitney) is laying on top of the other two and is head down. Koster said Baby C is in the penthouse. Baby A (Tyler) is still breach and is bouncing on his butt on my cervix like a trampoline. Baby B (Hannah) is also breach just a little bit higher than Tyler. My cervix is measuring at 10 mm - not a lot of change, but a little... My doctor now thinks I could go to 34 weeks again. Everyone seems very amazed that I have lasted so long because I am not that tall. I (we) feel very encouraged to have made it this long.

An update on the situation with my doctor going out of town.... She told me the different doctors that would be on call and on which days and she said Trylovich would be willing to come deliver the babies despite who is on call if she is available. So, it is still not for sure who will be delivering. We may actually see if Koster can do it. Whatever happens, we are comfortable with who will be doing the c-section.


Todd, Jenn, Sam, Ali, Max and Herculez said...

Huge is an understatement. You really popped over the last week and it is all baby. You are so tiny everywhere else. What a great blessing to have made it a whole other week!! YEAH, can't wait to hear the news tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

CONGRATS on making it to 32 weeks, you go girl!!! :)

Oh MY.....where else can those babies possibly are nothing but belly!!!!

Glad you are having a decent week!

Anonymous said...

WOW!!! You look great. Congrats on making it 32 weeks.

Casey's trio said...

Huge milestone is right! Congrats to you've worked so hard to make it this far.

Lisa L said...

Owww! Your belly makes me hurt. About 2 or 3 weeks ago is the last time I could say I had been that big. You are going to feel so "empty" when those babies come. Can hardly wait to see them, but I am so glad they have made it yet another week.

Cindy said...

congratulations on 32!!! you look fantastic!!!

Anonymous said...

WOW!! 32 Weeks! That's incredible! You've done a fabulous job! Can't wait to meet your little ones :)

Whitney said...

It is amazing what a body can do!! Keep up the great work. 32 weeks is incredible. It is almost over!


pam said...

32 weeks, awesome! it's an awesome milestone. woooo!

i remember people saying i didn't look that big either for triplets, but holy cow, my belly was *heavy*. i feel your pain!

Anonymous said...

Hi, I have been lurking for a few months. CONGRATS!!! I am 3 days behind you, pregnant with triplets too. Hang in there!!! I can relate to having a HUGE belly these days!!!

Anonymous said...

You look great- I am sure those babies are heavy! Keep it up- Congratulations!

Karlee and Shawn

Anonymous said...

Anna Marie and I are very excited for you and Stephen. I have been keeping up with him from time to time. I know he is worn out also. We can't wait to hear that the babies are here. We love y'all.


Anonymous said...

32 WEEKS!!!! WHAT A BLESSING!!!! HANG IN THERE KIDDOS!!!!!YEAH!!!!!!!!! Woman I am feeling so sorry for you! I can't even begin to imagine the pain you are in. I am so excited for yall that you have made it this far!!! CONGRATS! That is HUGE!!!!! God is answering all the prayers! You have grown so much since the last time I saw you. Hang in there! Those babies will be here sooner than you can blink! YEAH!!!! Take care and lots of prayers are being lifted from Las Vegas! Love yall!

Christy, Ryan, and Cadence

Anonymous said...

As hard as it is this far along just think how healthy and big your babies will be and how quickly they will get to come home!

Anonymous said...

Hi Miss Amy!
Well, I have been keeping up with your progress through Amy Clardy, and I am amazed at your strength and courage through this, and the blessings that await!!
Being your neighbor and all... I just want you to know that when you and the babies come home... if you ever need anything, or you are having a "Calgon" moment... all you have to do is CALL!! If I am home, I can be to your house in 2 minutes!! I don't know what I will do when I get there (having no children of my own... you know I am NO baby expert!!) but I can at least hold a baby for you and maybe help you remain sane!! :)
Hang in there girl, and I can't wait to meet these three little angels!
