The Ack Pack

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Friday, January 25, 2008

Good times with Jennifer

I don't have a whole lot new to report regarding the babies, they are still staying put since yesterday. I just wanted to share a few pictures with you. My good friend Jennifer came by today and brought me the cutest onesies and socks, a delicious lunch (homemade chicken and dumplings - I need that recipe!) and a lot of laughs! Jennifer, thanks so much for everything, I really do cherish the friendship we've developed over the past few years. We have been through so much together - almost like parallel lives and I/we are so excited for you and Todd and can't wait for our kids to play together and be life-long friends.

Jennifer is 30 weeks pregnant with a little girl. Doesn't she look nice and PREGNANT? Not fat? LOL Her words, not mine... No, I am not a horrible friend, we had a nice laugh about this today and I told her I was going to tease her about it because she has been getting some comments from people saying she doesn't look pregnant... She's like, "what do I look just fat?" I promise, you look very pregnant and happy! Jenn, you should show people before pictures and current pictures, maybe that will shut them up. I look like I am arching my back and sticking my belly out in this picture, but I'm not. Crazy!

These are the onesies she gave us...aren't they cute? Jenn, don't you feel so special, I did a post just for you. :) I can't wait to come by and see your nursery and especially meet your precious baby girl. I wish I could make it to your shower, but is looking unlikely.

We love you guys!


Todd, Jenn, Sam, Ali, Max and Herculez said...

yeah!!! I finally made the blog. Of course standing next to you, I really don't look pregnant. Maybe that wasn't such a good idea:) if i give you the recipe for the chicken and dumplings then i will have to kill you. With 3 babies on the way, i am not sure craig could handle it without you:)) When you come home, I will give it to you. It is super easy!!!! Thanks for giving me my own post:))) I forgot to tell you today - and yes I am sure this makes me sound old - but I am getting to go see Barry Manilow:))) I am so excited.

Andria said...

You girls are glowing! How nice to have such a friend to raise your kids together with (cry on the phone with, etc.) Think of all the playdates you'll have!

What a special treat/visit that was!

Matt said...

Hey there,
You are doing a GREAT job. I've been lurking since you were first pregnant and I can't believe how close you are to having 3 babies.

Your babies' weights sound similar to what mine were at that gestation.

I ended up having 3 6 pounders at 36 weeks. I was so NOT prepared to bring them all home with me.

If you want to chat, email me ANYTIME!

P.S. I think you look great!